It is possible to rework the functions in this package to make a spatial, rather than temporal, price index using a star model by simply replacing “time” with “space”. Although this is not a suitable approach for making a system of purchasing power parities, is it useful for making indexes that adjust pay for cost-of-living differences relative to a fixed location. These sorts of indexes are made by the United Nations International Civil Service Commission, Eurostat, and various governments and private-sector organizations for administering cost-of-living allowances.
The basic workflow is the same as with a temporal index, just treating each country as a different “time period” in a fixed-based index.
# Make indexes for 6 basic headings for 4 countries.
bh_index <- matrix(
c(rep(1, 6), runif(6 * 3, 0.8, 1.2)),
nrow = 6,
dimnames = list(
paste0("BH", 1:6),
paste("Country", 1:4)
) |>
as_index(chainable = FALSE)
## Fixed-base price index for 6 levels over 4 time periods
## Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 4
## BH1 1 1.0883616 0.9300382 1.0942740
## BH2 1 1.1503093 1.0036897 0.8004546
## BH3 1 1.1043929 1.0910821 0.9564813
## BH4 1 1.1544498 1.1958948 0.9849979
## BH5 1 0.9825924 0.8138142 0.9552576
## BH6 1 0.8665487 0.8609494 0.9609941
# Make fixed aggregation weights.
# 1
# |-----+-----|
# 11 12
# |---+---| |---+---|
# B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
weights <- data.frame(
level1 = 1,
level2 = rep(11:12, each = 3),
bh = levels(bh_index),
weights = runif(6, 100, 200)
## level1 level2 bh weights
## 1 1 11 BH1 117.8964
## 2 1 11 BH2 195.1659
## 3 1 11 BH3 145.3728
## 4 1 12 BH4 132.6752
## 5 1 12 BH5 196.5415
## 6 1 12 BH6 170.7482
The indexes at the basic-heading level can be aggregated as usual to get a collection of indexes that give the difference in purchasing power relative to the base country (country 1 in this example). Different choices for weights make different assumptions about how people change their spending patterns between each country and the base country.
As it can be costly to collect price data from various countries on a regular basis, these sorts of indexes are often updated over time by changes in exchange rates and inflation rates for each country.
## Country 2 Country 3 Country 4
## 1 1.051349 0.9701244 0.9461596
## Country 2 Country 3 Country 4
## 1 1.112134 0.9273724 1.021301